Tuesday 30 September 2008

Love from Singapore!

I was woken up at 7am this morning by a call from the guard house! He spoke in korean which my roomie couldn't understand so she hung up. I remember mumbling some gibberish and went back to sleep after that. At 8am, he called again, and I managed to make out 3 words he was saying amidst the string of korean - "lobby, now come". Then it suddenly dawned on me that I borrowed the key from the guard house yest afternoon cos I forgot my keys, and have not returned it! So he probably called because of that. I went down quickly with the keys. But when I got there, he handed me a package and asked me if it was my name written on the box. For a moment I couldn't recognise the name, who is "Bye Hye Han"?? haha then i realised it was me!!! It was a package addressed to my room but I wasn't registered as Bye Hye Han in the guard's log book, that probably explains why he personally called instead of writing my name on the board next to the stairs like he usually does for all packages. So I signed for the package and happily brought it up to my room. All the time feeling really warm even though I was standing there for a good ten minutes only in shorts and t-shirt. I opened the package, and realise it was love from Yuxun and Qinyou and Ellyn back home! It was such a pleasant surprise and I would have cried if I wasn't in my sleepy stupor. So now that I'm more awake, I took pictures of the package and am writing about it, cos it's really such a nice feeling receiving love from home, and everything in the package was just what I really needed! Yay :)

A pretty sweater, my favourite pilot pens which I couldn't find here in Korea, chocolates, and BAH KWAH!!!! And on top of that, a whole box of love from home. What more can I possibly ask for?? :) :) :) I can't wait to be home!

Thank you lovelies!

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