Tuesday 9 September 2008

It has been a very humbling experience these few days for me as I learn and think about many issues in life. It has become extremely evident to me recently, the importance of edification with our words and actions. During service on sunday, the Pastor was talking about 2 Tim 2:15 - " Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." , but the verse that jumped out at me was the following verse "Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly." It's important to note that "avoid[ing] godless chatter" was the first and therefore most significant instruction God gave for us to obey in order for us to be "approved". Maybe it's because we live in a society where we often share in each other's lives. Maybe it's because humans are generally curious creatures and we're always wanting to be "in the know". Therefore we unintentionally indulge in gossips. How often is it that we find ourselves asking "what what what? what happened? tell me about it!"
These few days, I've been pondering a lot over this, and asking God how I can be in the world but not of the world. Which explains the anti-socialness, really. I remember my mom used to tell me "if you have nothing good to say then don't say it". I used to hear that all the time, but I wonder how come it never got into my system. These few days, I've been trying hard to practice that, to be edifying with my words, to encourage instead of discourage, to compliment instead of criticise. Yet at the same time, it's important not to end up indulging in flattery, or senseless humouring. I guess at the end of the day it is important that we say something only if we mean it.
I'm glad I'm going through this whole contemplating phase, because it made me realise how long it has been since I stopped to reflect on my life, on myself, and my walk with God. It made me realise that in the process of trying to keep up with the rat race and the self-gratifying indulgence that life offers us, I have neglected a lot. I know I have been rather down lately and haven't been very good company and I apologise to those people who had to put up with my striaght face and monosyllabic replies for the past few days. This will probably be one of the last few emo entries because I want to rejoice in the Lord! Can't shun away from people for too long also cos it's unhealthy, and how to share God's love when there's no interaction? All the people back in Singapore, please continue praying for me yea, that God will continue to tame my tongue, and continue to mould me throughout my stay here in Korea.

Continue to pray for my family also because I really really miss home, not because it sucks being here, but really because I just want to be back in the company of my parents, to have them nag at me, and simply because I know that no human on earth would ever love me as much as they do. Urgh I really really miss my parents :'(

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