Friday 19 September 2008


4 consecutive late nights have made my eyebags bigger than I've ever known them to be. And this morning, I have finally reached my limits! I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed, so I skipped class, and slept in, till noon! Haha.
But today was a really really happy day! The professors opened up a competition for the architecture students to design a new entrance for our school building! All the architecture students across the years were divided into 18 groups, because there are 18 students from Singapore. We were given one week to conceptualise the ideas, produce detailed drawings, 3D images, and a model 1:50 scale. Today I had the honour of representing my team to share our ideas with the profs and all the students. Unfortunately, or fortunately, we drew lots and my team had to go first!

The presentation went pretty well I guess, maybe cos I don't know most of the people that's why. Anyway, allow me to present to you, my group's design for the school entrance. The concept was to create a cosy and intimate space that allows for interaction, creating an entrance space that is for the students. It's really simple actually.

Interior spaces with varied furniture heights. We studied how the height and width of a single block could provide different functional uses, like 450mm for seat, 700mm for table, 500mm for planter box etc. Then we created a configuration of all these elements which encourages the most interaction, and divided the area into 3 main enclaves for people to use.

And the good news is, we won second prize! The truth is, I really enjoyed these few nights of discussion. Though we always discuss till unearthly hours, but I like the interactivity and the enchange of ideas! Everyone will open their sketchbook, lay their design sketches on the table and all of us will hover round the table and discuss. Shouldn't this be the way architecture should be taught and learnt? I think our hardwork really paid off, and I can't be more proud of what we produced in the end : )

Oh, and guess what was our prize from the profs? We won ourselves a carton of cup noodles! The winning team got TWO cartons hahahahaah!

Half of my lovely lovely team, with our carton of noodles, and our certificate of award! I'm so so so proud of us!! :):)

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