Wednesday 22 October 2008

Remember this? I said I'd blog about it but I never got down to doing it. So I decided that since I'm free today.. hmmm not really free actually because I've got two mid term papers next tues and fri, hmmm.. but don't care, I shall write about it anyway because
1. a party I was supposed to go to later in the evening got cancelled, and I actually threw on a cute little dress for the event! -sulks-
2. I promised to write about it eons ago and people have been bugging me about it
3. My roomie is out, and most of my neighbours are sleeping after staying up to work on a presentation for class today, so I shall self-entertain.
3. There are new developments, but not very positive though!

Alright so here goes. He is a wine sommelier at a wine bar I went to back when we were still in Seoul. One day we decided to explore Samcheongdong, one of the more upmarket streets in Seoul well known for the bars and high end shops. We had dinner at a hotdog cafe and made friends with the boss Mr Jhops Lee. Jhops Lee is a super cool and gentlemenly old man, very charismatic as well. He invited us to his wine bar, also located in Samcheongdong, and that marks my first encounter with him at the wine bar! His name is ShinWoo Park, but more endearingly known as Shino Park among my friends and I, because I got his name wrong the first time we met. Hahaha. It was only when we went back to the wine bar a second time to visit Jhops Lee, that I found out what his real name was. He is an architecture student at Hongik University (famous for their arki department), but put his studies on hold for the moment, to pursue wine appreciation. Now, that's really charming too don't you think? Hehh. Architecture and wine, what a romantic and passionate pair! Haha..
It has been a month or more since we last popped down to the wine bar. But recently I got a call from Jhops, inviting us to the opening of his new art gallery. We went down on a wednesday evening, me in my new silk dress (which I totally adore!!), mel and lirong in their pretty dresses, all excited to meet Shino Park (aiyah, actually I was the only excited one larh hahaahha). But, I couldn't find him anywhere :( -sadness- We concluded from a short chat with Jhops that Shino Park left the wine bar :( :( -double sadness- That means that I probably will never get to see him again :( Came home and whined like mad to my roomie and Yut. Roomie said "有缘一定还会见面“.. hahaha so encouraging! And Yut gave a very cute comment " HUH I never expected it to just end like that..", to which I was thinking to myself "Aiyah it has never started in the first place" HAHAHAHA.
Yea, so that concludes my very very short but memorable "Korean fling" episode.. haha and all I have left is just 2 pictures we took together hahaha..

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