Thursday 30 October 2008

Remember how people always say that challenges make you discover things that you never knew about yourself? I got through one of those challenges last Saturday.

Professor Han, one of the design tutors brought his studio on a hike up Mountain Kwanak. Professor Han is easily my favourite tutor in the school. He is a part time tutor and works in Spacegroup! He was the one who got us the chance to intern in the office and after our internship, he invited us for lunch in Seoul and presented our certificates and salary to us! I haven’t been taught by him before, but my short meeting with him over lunch was a very pleasant experience. He looks like Tadao Ando, and is very affectionately known as H-ando amongst the students. He’s charismatic, eloquent and has a very very charming smile! His mannerism reminds me of the oriental version of Richard Gere, somewhat like a good bottle of wine cos the older it is, the better it gets! All these charisma probably comes with age and experience.

Anyway, the hike was the most dangerous thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’ve never been so close to death ever in my life. The feeling was overwhelming and still continues to overwhelm me now each time I relate the story.

We all knew it was going to be cold, so the night before we dug out our thickest clothes and prepared ourselves for the weather. I guess growing up in a cosmopolitan city like Singapore with absolutely no mountains made us think that it was just going to be a normal, ordinary hike, just like the ones back at Bukit Timah hill. I mean how difficult can it be right? What we didn’t expect was the intensity of the hike, the insanely steep slopes, the undulating terrain, the rough surfaces. It was climbing, abseiling, repelling, cardio workout, mental fight all mashed up into one. And halfway through our hike it started raining so heavily and the rocks got really slippery. You gotta be there to really grasp what it was like. Some parts of the hike, we had to get down on all fours and use every ounce of energy in us, to propel ourselves up that ice cold piece of rock. Other times, we had to slowly lower ourselves, sit on the rock, look for a flat rock surface below, slide ourselves down and at the same time mentally estimate our landing, while constantly keeping our eyes on the next rock to grip after the jump. It was a hands, feet, muscles, brains, eyes coordination. Not forgetting the crazy palpitations of our hearts. I’m so glad I don’t have a weak heart if not I really would have just fainted on the spot. I don’t know, I can’t even begin to describe it. It’s like an all-consuming but yet excruciating moment. For a moment I thought I wasn’t going to make it down the mountain alive, or that even if I did, I wouldn’t have gone through it without hurting myself. I kept having this mental image of myself falling, or slipping. But my friends were very nice, they probably were feeling just as distressed, or maybe they were distressed coz I was so slow and helpless, but their constant encouragement and hyped me up quite a bit. I’ve never felt so determined to get out of the mountain alive, and boy am I glad that I did.

This is Prof Han, all ready to scale the mountain! It was the last I saw of him because once we started he was blazing a trail of his own. He was so fast. Either he is very experienced or he was mountain goat in his previous life or something. I would very much like to believe its the former : ) Anyway because he was so fast, we got split up into two groups. The faster bunch managed to keep up with his pace. But obviously I was slow so I was in the second group haha. Some of the guys in our group were really fast but took the initiative to stay behind together with the slower girls so I was really impressed : )
Mel and I before the hike! I looked like I was ready to scale the mountain but it really wasn't the case. I almost gave up halfway hahaha! Mel on the other hand was "ordained" with the name of Frodo because she surprised us by being so fast and agile hahaa
Before we got to the foot of Kwanak mountain we had to trek up this little village. There were so many aunties and uncles there and the amount of North Face and Solomon equipment they own is really remarkable. But then again Korea being the number one country with the most mountains per square foot in the world, it is not surprising that mountain climbing is probably their most popular activity. And it is nowonder that they are real good at it.

The first part of the hike was already quite torturous. I was sooooo slow the guys decided to carry my bag. I need to exercise more hahaha!

Anyway the mountain we climbed was in the shape of a blazing fire. So there were several peaks. Here we are at the first peak. We took some time and hung around for a while to enjoy the scenery and to take pictures, moving off only when the Prof called and asked us to hurry up! haha
That's Chang (korean) and I on the first peak! Mel the paparazzi sneakily took this picture from some angle and accused me of holding Chang's arm and putting my head on his shoulder. I did not!!!! The girls call this the scandalous photo and kept teasing me about it. But I'm posing this up anyway cos I think its a nice picture muahahah.
That's Mel and I on the second peak. The view was breathtakingly beautiful and I couldn't help but take some time to marvel at God's beautiful creations. I like how the little buildings are built so densely together and how I had a panoramic view of the whole area

See the little humans on the face of the mountain? Yep that was how we climbed up the mountain. On all fours. When it got too steep, there were ropes to help us propel ourselves upwards. There are times when there are no footholds at all, so we had to use the rope and our arms to pull ourselves upwards, all the time clinging onto the rope for dear life, while hearing the guys repeat time after time "keep going, keep going, DON'T look down.."

That's He-won the Korean guy who can pose damn well. We got to one of the peaks and there was a Korean flag and that got He-won feeling very patriotic. I really like the last picture of him, he looks like a soldier!
That's Chang looking lost in the woods haha
Yuting took this series of pictures of us and I think they turned out very very well! Look at the red, yellow and orange of the leaves!

At this point we started hearing monks chanting and it was really really eerie. My roomie thought that they were chanting for the souls of the people who died on that mountain! How freaky!
Alright that's me and the people helping me. Gosh I don't know why I was so lousy but I was really grateful for their help!

There's a fort at the top of the mountain...

H for Hyehan!
Us! The second group, at the helipad!

Looking back, this adventure has really been the challenge of a lifetime. I'm still unsure if I'll ever do this again, but I must say that I totally enjoyed the trip and the great time of teamwork and unity.

Wednesday 29 October 2008

I got a package from Charm the dotty today!!! Yay so happy : ) That very sweet girl sent a copy of 8 days (!!!!), my favourite snacks, and PORK FLOSS!!! Oh mann I feel so loved : ) Hee the hello panda and porky reminds me of hwachong days! Thank you dearest dot, it was such a pleasant surprise : )
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Monday 27 October 2008

because I'm homesick once again
because I'm feeling stressed and depressed and desperately need some cheering up
I have finally decided to open the packet of bah kwah that the lovelies sent many weeks back
Just for the taste of something familiar, a taste of home.
the comfort is very much needed in a time like this

where is my vip and whining buddy??? :(
“Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn’t have it in the beginning.”
- Mahatma Ghandi

Sunday 26 October 2008

I had the girls over in my room for dinner this evening cos I finally managed to borrow a pot! Plus we were kinda paralysed from the hike the day before. So we ended up with a scrumptious dinner of abalone and chicken porridge with egg, hot and sour soup and chinese seafood soup! Despite them all being instant, they were still delicious and a really good and much needed break away from the outside food we have everyday.

The chef and the hungry people waiting for dinner!

Abalone and chicken porridge, with eggs (donated by yingying) for added fragrance and to thicken the porridge (my brilliant idea muahaha!) I know it doesn't look appetizing in the picture, but the porridge was so heavenly! The pictures don't do it justice larh!

Muahaha, yours truly, the sponsor of the evening's meal!
Mel the very satisfied customer!

Oriental seafood soup

Hot and spicy soup!
All the instant food pictured above were from the package that Chek sent earlier on. Thanks Chek! I reall enjoyed them : )

Friday 24 October 2008

Sky made a SHOERACK for us!!!

because roomie and I randomly mentioned how messy our doorstep is because of all the shoes!!!!!! Haha I feel so loved : ) Even though he probably wouldn't have made it if his girlfriend was not my roomie, but still, I feel very loved! Haha.. It's the epitome of sweetness larh, handmade shoerack : ) A few days ago, I was saying I hate Sky, but for now, I love Sky!!! Yays :)

Haha check out the shoerack with all our shoes! Out of 11 pairs, 9 pairs are mine muahahahah!

Both of us feeling super loved and proud of our new shoerack : )

Thursday 23 October 2008

Today I braved the chilly winds and headed to the post office to mail out a parcel! Upon payment I was shocked at the cost of the postage, and even more shocked (more like embarrassed actually) when I didn't have enough cash to pay! Haha thankfully the bank was just next to the post office and I quickly rushed over to withdraw some money. Anyway, even though everything was expensive, but I figured that if it could bring a smile to someone's face then it's money well spent! So you! I hope you like the surprise and everything that I've sent over. I just want you to know that you're really really really loved, and that you're still remembered, even though you are so many miles away! I hope the parcel brings a smile to your face, I love you darling! :)

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Remember this? I said I'd blog about it but I never got down to doing it. So I decided that since I'm free today.. hmmm not really free actually because I've got two mid term papers next tues and fri, hmmm.. but don't care, I shall write about it anyway because
1. a party I was supposed to go to later in the evening got cancelled, and I actually threw on a cute little dress for the event! -sulks-
2. I promised to write about it eons ago and people have been bugging me about it
3. My roomie is out, and most of my neighbours are sleeping after staying up to work on a presentation for class today, so I shall self-entertain.
3. There are new developments, but not very positive though!

Alright so here goes. He is a wine sommelier at a wine bar I went to back when we were still in Seoul. One day we decided to explore Samcheongdong, one of the more upmarket streets in Seoul well known for the bars and high end shops. We had dinner at a hotdog cafe and made friends with the boss Mr Jhops Lee. Jhops Lee is a super cool and gentlemenly old man, very charismatic as well. He invited us to his wine bar, also located in Samcheongdong, and that marks my first encounter with him at the wine bar! His name is ShinWoo Park, but more endearingly known as Shino Park among my friends and I, because I got his name wrong the first time we met. Hahaha. It was only when we went back to the wine bar a second time to visit Jhops Lee, that I found out what his real name was. He is an architecture student at Hongik University (famous for their arki department), but put his studies on hold for the moment, to pursue wine appreciation. Now, that's really charming too don't you think? Hehh. Architecture and wine, what a romantic and passionate pair! Haha..
It has been a month or more since we last popped down to the wine bar. But recently I got a call from Jhops, inviting us to the opening of his new art gallery. We went down on a wednesday evening, me in my new silk dress (which I totally adore!!), mel and lirong in their pretty dresses, all excited to meet Shino Park (aiyah, actually I was the only excited one larh hahaahha). But, I couldn't find him anywhere :( -sadness- We concluded from a short chat with Jhops that Shino Park left the wine bar :( :( -double sadness- That means that I probably will never get to see him again :( Came home and whined like mad to my roomie and Yut. Roomie said "有缘一定还会见面“.. hahaha so encouraging! And Yut gave a very cute comment " HUH I never expected it to just end like that..", to which I was thinking to myself "Aiyah it has never started in the first place" HAHAHAHA.
Yea, so that concludes my very very short but memorable "Korean fling" episode.. haha and all I have left is just 2 pictures we took together hahaha..
Last wednesday was a good night away from the uninspiring and barren life in Ansan. Mel, Lirong and I headed off to Seoul in the evening to attend an opening ceremony of our friend, Jhops Lee's new art gallery. I probably have mentioned how we got to know Mr Lee in previous posts. But I think I haven't mentioned how cool he is! He is this old, unshaven man with silver locks. The coolest thing is that, he only wears red and black! And with that he always wears his signature black bowl hat. He is the coolest gentlemen around, plus he's so artsy and friendly!
I enjoyed the night tremandously. It was the night we met many successful Korean people - lawyers, business women, people from many walks of life. It was a night I tried to put on my best behaviour and tried to act like an adult, making small talks and receiving namecards that people my parent's age tip out to me. It was a taste of what I'd probably be doing very often when I step out into the society. But most importantly, it was a much needed break from the boring life we lead in the villages of Ansan.

The man himself!
There was a really comfy little wooden deck on the third level of the gallery, overlooking Samcheongdong all lighted up at night, where you can linger with a glass of wine and enjoy the sights and sounds of the area.

All of us! The lady with the orange scarf is Dawn, this fellow Singaporean whom I got to know through Mr Lee. She has been working here for 2 and a half years already! We had a really good chat about all the things we miss back home, and it was really comforting to hear familiar street names like Toa Payah and Chua Chu Kang. All those made my heart skip a beat! haha.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

I totally forgot about the pictures taken in Jeju until someone asked me about them just now! There are simply too many to be uploaded on this blog, but thankfully Mel has very diligiently uploaded them all in facebook! So here are the links, hopefully they work! :) Day 1 (Mel's cam) Day 1 (Lirong's) Day 2 Part 1 Day 2 Part 2

Day 3 and 4 coming up soon!

My camera died on me so there are no pictures from my camera, but.. it means that I'm THAT close to joining the ranks as the owner of a DSLR :)

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Our first overnight shopping escapade, which lasted from 10pm to 5am! Check out our loot for the day! We are happy campers!

Crit day

I realised i have yet to blog about crit day! So here goes...

I had my first official crit in Hanyang on thursday! Submission and Crit were on the same day so we went back to wash up at 9am in the morning despite working overnight the day before. Overall it went quite well and it was quite an experience. There wasn't an official list of presentation sequence so the tutors just called up random groups as and when they liked. Plus there was one particular smart alec prof who spoke more than he should and kept showing off. It was like the groups presented for 10 mins, and the prof goes on to reiterate what the group had just said and then goes on to give his critique for the next 20 mins. And this goes on for every single group! But I think he was quite interesting and insightful, and he studied under Peter Eisenman! Anyway, I was the official photographer for the day, albeit a self-declared one! heh.. I just hogged on to Sky's camera for the whole day and started snapping away.

Check out my 10cm high heels hahaha! I almost couldn't make it to school. Had to sit down and take a break twice throughout the journey to school.. and on the way back to the dorm I had to walk barefooted cos the shoes were really killing me!

What people do when they're bored during crit...

Or when they didn't sleep the night before...