Tuesday 30 September 2008

Love from Singapore!

I was woken up at 7am this morning by a call from the guard house! He spoke in korean which my roomie couldn't understand so she hung up. I remember mumbling some gibberish and went back to sleep after that. At 8am, he called again, and I managed to make out 3 words he was saying amidst the string of korean - "lobby, now come". Then it suddenly dawned on me that I borrowed the key from the guard house yest afternoon cos I forgot my keys, and have not returned it! So he probably called because of that. I went down quickly with the keys. But when I got there, he handed me a package and asked me if it was my name written on the box. For a moment I couldn't recognise the name, who is "Bye Hye Han"?? haha then i realised it was me!!! It was a package addressed to my room but I wasn't registered as Bye Hye Han in the guard's log book, that probably explains why he personally called instead of writing my name on the board next to the stairs like he usually does for all packages. So I signed for the package and happily brought it up to my room. All the time feeling really warm even though I was standing there for a good ten minutes only in shorts and t-shirt. I opened the package, and realise it was love from Yuxun and Qinyou and Ellyn back home! It was such a pleasant surprise and I would have cried if I wasn't in my sleepy stupor. So now that I'm more awake, I took pictures of the package and am writing about it, cos it's really such a nice feeling receiving love from home, and everything in the package was just what I really needed! Yay :)

A pretty sweater, my favourite pilot pens which I couldn't find here in Korea, chocolates, and BAH KWAH!!!! And on top of that, a whole box of love from home. What more can I possibly ask for?? :) :) :) I can't wait to be home!

Thank you lovelies!

Saturday 27 September 2008

I bought my new autumn coat today! at a steal for 69,000 Won, roughly 100 bucks sing! hee navy blue and really really cute : )

Wednesday 24 September 2008

My roomie came home drunk today!!!! haha so I being evil as usual, took unglam pictures of her.. hahaha but she's still the drunkard I love the most in the world : )

hahah the drunkard posing for a picture..
hahah okay larh, I shall be nice and end off with a really pretty picture of my roomie. She's a really nice girl and I really do love her. We talk a lot and sometimes from dark to dawn! I'm a blessed girl cos I've got a roomie who spreads peanut butter on my bread, leaves breakfast for me on my table, shares her food supplies with me, tells me I'm perfectly fine when I whine about being fat, and most importantly, tolerates my dirty living habits and my constant grumbling. She makes everything a lot more bearable, so meet my roomie everyone : )

Monday 22 September 2008

I spent my first overnight in studio on Monday, and I felt so miserable. And it didn’t help that my eyes were watery and my nose wet and runny. I exploded at some people, because I felt like they didn’t understand what I was going through. But its because I’m always like that when I’m sick, feeling vulnerable and miserable, and therefore highly irritable. So I’m sorry to all the people who had to bear the brunt of my misery. Be patient with me alright?

After studio I went back to the dorm to sleep until my roomie came home. I was in so much pain I had difficulty standing but the hospital was really far away and there were no pharmacies or clinics around. I was tossing around in the bed because the pain in my stomach was really too much to bear, until I reminded myself that at times like these, I should just pray. And it was only after I prayed that the pain subsided and I fell asleep. I’m still sick now, down with a bad cold and sore throat. And the weather is starting to turn harsh already. Today I left the dorm with a cardigan and scarf, and still I felt really cold in studio :( My nose and fingers felt frozen. Gosh I’m so not prepared for the sudden change in the weather. I should do some autumn and winter shopping soon…

Saturday 20 September 2008

Mentor-Mentee Outing + Haircut!

My mentor brought me to Ewah for a haircut today :) She's a really pleasant and helpful korean lady majoring in English. When I told her I needed to go for a haircut, she went online to the forums to research for a reputable hairsalon, and asked all her friends for a good place. So we ended up at a salon called Marshall, in front of Ewah Women's University (that place is well known for beauty shops and shopping!). I ended up buying my first ever pair of super heels, 10cm tall! hahah :) Bought a t-shirt for my brother also cos it's his birthday on the 28th of Sept!

before the haircut!

after! haha still very much the same :) And that's my Hanyang student ID card!
After the haircut we met sky and adeline, as well as this other korean friend of ours, majoring in mechanical engineering. He's a really really kind guy, and funny too! Makes me laugh a lot :) We went to the area in front of Hongik University, well known for the bars and clubs. But, we ended up in a cafe instead haha, with rocking chairs and swings as seats! Throughout supper I kept thinking to myself that Jordan, my korean friend looks like some superstar, but I couldn't pinpoint who it was exactly, until I came home and googled, and told Adeline about it. Then we both concluded that he looks like Andy Hui!! hahaha check out the resemblence mann.

So with that, I ended my day feeling very happy, both with the haircut, and the wonderful company!

Friday 19 September 2008

credits sparklethots

ahhh I really love love love love love this! It's so cute and dainty! but it's only available from a singaporean online store. someone offer to buy it for me please? for christmas? hahaha joking la, some kind soul back home please offer to buy it for me first and I'd pay you back when I get back : )


4 consecutive late nights have made my eyebags bigger than I've ever known them to be. And this morning, I have finally reached my limits! I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed, so I skipped class, and slept in, till noon! Haha.
But today was a really really happy day! The professors opened up a competition for the architecture students to design a new entrance for our school building! All the architecture students across the years were divided into 18 groups, because there are 18 students from Singapore. We were given one week to conceptualise the ideas, produce detailed drawings, 3D images, and a model 1:50 scale. Today I had the honour of representing my team to share our ideas with the profs and all the students. Unfortunately, or fortunately, we drew lots and my team had to go first!

The presentation went pretty well I guess, maybe cos I don't know most of the people that's why. Anyway, allow me to present to you, my group's design for the school entrance. The concept was to create a cosy and intimate space that allows for interaction, creating an entrance space that is for the students. It's really simple actually.

Interior spaces with varied furniture heights. We studied how the height and width of a single block could provide different functional uses, like 450mm for seat, 700mm for table, 500mm for planter box etc. Then we created a configuration of all these elements which encourages the most interaction, and divided the area into 3 main enclaves for people to use.

And the good news is, we won second prize! The truth is, I really enjoyed these few nights of discussion. Though we always discuss till unearthly hours, but I like the interactivity and the enchange of ideas! Everyone will open their sketchbook, lay their design sketches on the table and all of us will hover round the table and discuss. Shouldn't this be the way architecture should be taught and learnt? I think our hardwork really paid off, and I can't be more proud of what we produced in the end : )

Oh, and guess what was our prize from the profs? We won ourselves a carton of cup noodles! The winning team got TWO cartons hahahahaah!

Half of my lovely lovely team, with our carton of noodles, and our certificate of award! I'm so so so proud of us!! :):)

Wednesday 17 September 2008

"I've no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven; and if the wicked man in there had not brought Heathcliff so low, I shouldn't have thought of it. It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff, now; so he shall never know how I love him; and that, not because he's handsome, Nelly, but because he's more myself than I am.Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same, and Linton's is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire."

-Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

I have a sudden desire to re-read this book, such a powerful and poetic depiction of both love and hate..

Monday 15 September 2008


헌국 [han-kook] -- Korea
한양대학교 [han-yang-dae-hag-kyo] -- Hanyang University
건축학 [kon-chuk-hag] -- the study of Architecture
안녕하세요 [an-nyong-ha-seh-yo] -- hello/how are you?
감사합니다 [kam-sa-hap-ni-da] -- thank you!

and this is my name: 배해한 [bae-hye-han]

: ) : ) : )

My mentor came down to my room to help me with my korean homework. And after just 20 mins, my brain feels like I just sat through a 5 hour studio session! My brain is fried. Korean language is so difficult!

Saturday 13 September 2008

This is a constant reminder of how loved and blessed I am. I don't say this often, but I love you papa and mummy. Thank you both for being the best thing that happened in my life.

Friday 12 September 2008

“But he must acquaint himself with many narratives from history; for architects often incorporate many ornamental features in the designs of their works, of which they must be able to give a reasoned account, when asked why they added them.” (Vitruvius, I.i.5)

Wednesday 10 September 2008

My Metropolis!

I made my own metropolis in studio today! haha they're so tiny and cute, really made my day : )

Tuesday 9 September 2008

It has been a very humbling experience these few days for me as I learn and think about many issues in life. It has become extremely evident to me recently, the importance of edification with our words and actions. During service on sunday, the Pastor was talking about 2 Tim 2:15 - " Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." , but the verse that jumped out at me was the following verse "Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly." It's important to note that "avoid[ing] godless chatter" was the first and therefore most significant instruction God gave for us to obey in order for us to be "approved". Maybe it's because we live in a society where we often share in each other's lives. Maybe it's because humans are generally curious creatures and we're always wanting to be "in the know". Therefore we unintentionally indulge in gossips. How often is it that we find ourselves asking "what what what? what happened? tell me about it!"
These few days, I've been pondering a lot over this, and asking God how I can be in the world but not of the world. Which explains the anti-socialness, really. I remember my mom used to tell me "if you have nothing good to say then don't say it". I used to hear that all the time, but I wonder how come it never got into my system. These few days, I've been trying hard to practice that, to be edifying with my words, to encourage instead of discourage, to compliment instead of criticise. Yet at the same time, it's important not to end up indulging in flattery, or senseless humouring. I guess at the end of the day it is important that we say something only if we mean it.
I'm glad I'm going through this whole contemplating phase, because it made me realise how long it has been since I stopped to reflect on my life, on myself, and my walk with God. It made me realise that in the process of trying to keep up with the rat race and the self-gratifying indulgence that life offers us, I have neglected a lot. I know I have been rather down lately and haven't been very good company and I apologise to those people who had to put up with my striaght face and monosyllabic replies for the past few days. This will probably be one of the last few emo entries because I want to rejoice in the Lord! Can't shun away from people for too long also cos it's unhealthy, and how to share God's love when there's no interaction? All the people back in Singapore, please continue praying for me yea, that God will continue to tame my tongue, and continue to mould me throughout my stay here in Korea.

Continue to pray for my family also because I really really miss home, not because it sucks being here, but really because I just want to be back in the company of my parents, to have them nag at me, and simply because I know that no human on earth would ever love me as much as they do. Urgh I really really miss my parents :'(

Saturday 6 September 2008

People who understand me know that I would never have meant it that way. I'm sorry if it bothered you or if my actions and words have made you feel less of a friend to me. But believe me that I never wanted things to turn out this way.

I feel as though I'm terribly misunderstood. A part of me thinks that I should confront, I should try and clarify things. But I asked myself, what would Jesus have done? He probably would have left it as it is. Many times during Jesus' life, He was misunderstood. The people thought He was a cheat, they scorned Him, they treated Him badly. But Jesus never once tried to retaliate, He continued to do what is right, He continued to allow God to work through Him. He died on the cross for sins He did not even commit, but still, He trusted, and He obeyed. Jesus, the one who is so perfect and so pure, allowed Himself to be misunderstood, what about me, a flawed and tarnished person? Would I have done the same if I were Him? My pride tells me that I should prove them wrong, but God tells me to surrender, to submit.

I guess you're right, not retaliating or fighting back is not a sign of meekness or weakness, neither is it a sign of acceptance to what is going on, it's a sign of surrender, a sign of resillence.

I was disappointed and hurt, but now I'm fine and I feel God's peace within me. At the end of the day, I'd emerge from this stronger, and closer to God, and that's all that matters.

Friday 5 September 2008

My korean friend came by and gave me flowers today! It's handmade! : ) really made my day!

Monday 1 September 2008

I was telling myself this morning that I aspire to be the Eternal Optimist, but I figured that it's going to be awfully tiring being cheerful all the time. I'm human, and I have my frowns too no? So forgive me while I take a moment to be by myself and embrace the overwhelming emotions that I'm feeling right now..