Tuesday 11 November 2008

It's Pepero Day in Korea today! Peperos are actually the pockys we have in Singapore, and since its November 11th (11-11), they have termed it pepero day because the '1s' look like stick biscuits haha. Pepero day is a day when girls or guys give peperos to the person they like! So most korean girls will end up making their own peperos in all shapes and sizes, isn't it cute? heh :)

haha roomie looking psychotic eating the handmade peperos!

My roomie got a nice box of peperos from Sky, and a skirt! The skirt is actually really meaningful, because roomie saw it while we were shopping and it looked really nice on her when she tried it on. But roomie being the sensible and good girl decided not to buy it coz she didn't need more clothes. (when did buying clothes become a need anyway?? I always thought it's a want hahah but that's my roomie the good girl for you) Anyway, Sky the nice sweet boy decided to get it for her and so I was sent on a mission to attempt to bargain in korean and buy the skirt while Sky diverted her attention. After buying the skirt, I sort of forgot about it and kept it in my cupboard, until I finally remembered to pass it to Sky recently. So tadah, what better day to present such a sweet present other than on pepero day! That resulted in a very satisfied roomie, and a very happy me : )

Haha so obviously I didn't celebrate pepero day because no korean fling yet haha. But I got my share of handmade peperos from the really sweet girls, and chocs from Chang haha..

Check out the huge and long pepero!

So that's how I spent my pepero day, hope you guys had a good one too!

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