Sunday 30 November 2008

昨天晚上和roomie一整夜的交谈让我想起了以前,那种情窦初开, 年少轻狂的日子。那时,看待着人与人之间的关系和人生中的一切事物都是用着好玩的心态。处理事情来也比较轻浮、狂妄,不会深思熟虑,把每一件事都当做个所以然。
庸人自扰,逃避问题的性格。也想起了几次落花有意,流水无情的时候。有时以为自己能够果断坚定的处理,但是最后却发现原来那是自己到达不了的境界, 最后还是做不到。也因为如此,伤了别人的心,自己的心,也因为自己很不确实际的想象,有了太多的期望,造成了多次的失望。
有时我会不知觉的问自己,喜欢我的人,为什么都喜欢得那么辛苦呢?而我喜欢一个人时,也为什么会喜欢得那么辛苦? 可能是太自私了吧。常常想要
保护着一个人在我心中的完美形象。发现到那个人的好时,就会不知不觉的陷进去,越来越喜欢他。但是一但领悟到他的不好,就想要慢慢的把自己拉开,只想要保留一切美好的, 不想要让做过的美梦有一丝变成噩梦的机会。痛,当然会啊,自己也知道世界上没有完美的人,一切都是靠着包容,体谅和了解。但以前总是过不了自己这一关。
现在,以过了好多年,自己也从一个懵懵懂懂的小妹妹变成了一个小大人了。一生中的跌跌撞撞,也让自己学到了许多,成长了许多。如今,问自己,还在寻找吗?其实,也不以为然了。不是因为不相信或放弃了,而可能是比较看开了吧,也很满意现在的生活,觉得很满足,很快乐,有很多人疼,有着家人的爱和好朋友的支持, 真的就很足够了。不像以前那么执著,也相信很多事情,上帝都有所安排,自己要信任他。

所以,我真的是很幸福的。:) 希望我身边的人也都能一样的幸福,那也应该是我最大的快乐吧。

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Housework is no longer a chore when you have good company and good music. Yesterday we spent a couple of hours cleaning out our entire room while listening to Lisa Ono, Michael Buble, Frank Sinatra and singing along to christmas carols. I don't know why, but Adeline has the ability to turn things I dread doing into times of fun and laughter. I really don't know how things will be like without my roomie and her megawatt smile and contagious spirit!

In our little room, she has been conferred the title of "man of the house". And I am of course, the lady of the house. Roomie is known as such because she does all the manly things at home. She fixed my wardrobe the last time it fell apart, single-handedly using superglue. On another occasion when my laptop died on me with multiple "blue screens of death", I was so depressed I stayed in bed and wallowed in my sadness. Roomie however, with her undaunted spirit, utilized all her resources to fix it and backed up all my files for me. On top of all that, she is the one who takes the room fan apart, washes it and fixes everything back together again. She is the one who buys hooks and sticks them on the wall so that we can hang up our clock. She is the one who ties ropes across our room to create laundry lines for us to hang our laundry. Today, she broke her own "manly" record - she single-handedly carried a 22kg box of my stuff which I intended to ship back home.

It might be such a random thought, but I realised how I've grown to be so dependent on this girl, and so used to her presence...

Cheers to one more month of roomie-hood, and many more years of friendship!

Tuesday 25 November 2008

We got your love! Thank you Hello Kitty, Maymay and Ah Ma!!! :)

See how happy we are???

Thank you for the pieces of home you've packed into the box, and the much needed love :)

Monday 24 November 2008

Yes you're right Pris, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"
Your bit of love made my day :) Thank you dear!

Thursday 20 November 2008

Yesterday was one of the coldest day I spent in Korea. I travelled to Seoul with a Korean friend to visit our site for our research paper. We took a one and a half hour long subway ride and found ourselves in downtown Seoul, exploring the walled up compounds of the Deoksu Palace. Located in the heart of Seoul city, it portrays a charming contrast of modern Seoul with traditional Korea. In the palace itself, the striking difference in architecture styles is more vividly illustrated. Interestingly, there were buildings of classical styles within the palace compounds, which to me, stuck out like sore thumbs. But on the other hand, it really goes to show how architecture should always be of it's time, and how they always portray a snippet of history.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Two Sundays ago, Professor Park, who teaches architectural planning, brought his students on a field trip to visit some well known temples in Korea. He invited the NUS students along. It was the peak of autumn and since most of the temples are sited in very untouched areas, it was the best time to experience the beauty of autumn in Korea. And indeed, it was the day I truly fell in love with Korea.

Having just gotten my new camera the day before, I just had to bring it out for a test shoot. So here I present to you, my virgin shoot with the DSLR haha, not very good pictures, but I think it's not a bad try for a first timer cum amateur! :)

That's Juri, my best korean girlfriend, also my studio mate. I really love her to bits because she makes school life so much more interesting for me, and she's a good shopping partner. She has been so kind to me ever since school started. Whenver I feel cold in studio, she'd put a blanket over me, and that's only one of the many kind gestures that she has done for me. I am so blessed to meet so many kind people over here. How can I not fall in love with this country and her people?

A short trek into the jungle where the temple is sited. Mel scaled all of these stone steps in wedges! Respect mann!

Notice the two layers of roof eaves? The inner bottom layer was constructed first, and the top layer added on at a later time.
I absolutely love the above two pictures. Notice how they marry the old and the new?

Roomie and Mel, nice picture i think, albeit overexposed

Us with the korean girls

Love this tree. It's so sculptural.

Love how the tree is being framed up in this picture

These shots were so overexposed and I had no idea why. I am still having difficulties working my DSLR urgh

Suyeon and I

The Singaporean girls..

Me with my cabbage field, while my country boy is somewhere else taking pictures!

I think my roomie and sky are nice to shoot, they're so natural!

We met this horrible kid who stays in the temple coz his parents are caretakers of the temple. He called my roomie an ajuma (which means auntie) and called me gorilla! Hello which part of me looks like a gorilla to you huh? hahaha

I really love this picture of Suroh! So "caught in the moment" larh! heh

The korean boys. Oh and did I mention that Korea is the land of DSLRs? Somehow almost everyone has one!

Sungil and Hee-won. I think it's true when they say that goodlooking people stay together, because Hee-won and Sungil are best friends, and they are the best looking guys in our batch, and both are tall too!

This village specialises in Persimmons! Not quite hard to tell right? haha since the whole shopfront is decorated with the fruit.

Autumn colours.. Wished I could capture them more vivdly with my camera though.
Roof detail...

Sungwook acting emo, lousy actor haha

Upon entering the temple we saw this really beautiful tree on the right. It's probably one of the most beautiful trees I've seen in Korea so far. The vibrant colours were just soo perfect for a romantic picture. Haha but because my country boy was nowhere to be found, I took a shot with Mel muahahah.

Haha I hope I won't get killed for posting this but I really think it's such a beautiful picture. Very satisfied with this shot.
One of my favourite shots of the day.

Painted ceiling
I love how the little wooden shed fits into the setting. So idyllic.

I caught a family trying to take a family shot! But the mother was having a lot of trouble getting the kids to sit still. Look at the little boy jumping around. How cute!

Suroh being very cheeky.. A pavillion with very weird proportions. Too huge a roof! Seems almost uncomfortable to me..

Nicole in the midst of the golden leaves..

I snapped a picture of Sungil snapping a picture of me..

Prof explaining.. only the guys are interested in listening haha..

Roomie and I!

Sky and Adeline.. So cute!

I was trying to take this shot of the roof details, when Adriel asked me " why are you taking upskirt pictures?" Haha that was so sick, so random, but so funny. Totally cracked me up.

I think this is a nice picture of Richard! He looks like some extreme sportman scaling some impossible mountain.. but guess how it's taken?
Like that! haha what cheats!
I really like this picture I took of Adriel! One of my favourite of the day as well!
Wishing stones! The koreans believe that if you pick up a rock, make a wish and stack it on top of this pile, your wish might just come true!
Nicole and Adeline posing for a emo shot..

Sky mumbled to us " I feel like climbing a tree", and went on to climb that tree. How spontaneous.

That's Suroh, Juri and me! Juri is in a tree trunk, and like what Richard said, she's is living proof that a tree house is possible!
That's Richard and Sky playing a self devised game called " the leaves are lava" or something like that. Anyway the rule is simply not to step on the leaves larh haha so they started jumping around. Boys, they never grow up..
The quiet and quaint little town.
The colours of autumn, the greens, the reds, the yellows and the orange.
And I'd end off with the best picture I took for the day, using sky's camera. But I caught the moment! I really really love this picture, think it's one of the best pictures I've taken :)
Going to places like these makes me fall so deeply in love with Korea. I really don't want to go home!