Sunday 24 August 2008

And off to church we go!

This is how I typically spend my sunday here! Marc, Richard, Lirong, Mel, Sungwook and I will usually go for contemporary service in the afternoon, then we'd have a scrumptous lunch, followed by dessert, and then shopping! :) :) It's great company, great food, and great fun!

This is Songwook the korean with Mel's pink umbrella.. I realised koreans can't stand the heat during summer. Most of them will take summer holidays to escape the heat. Either that or they will just shamelessly snatch a girl's umbrella, like what Sungwook did haha. By the way, Sungwook is this guy who came to NUS for exchange last sem, and because he was the leader back then, Prof Shin gave him the sacred job of bringing us around this time round. So that's what he has been doing since the day we arrived. No wonder he says he feels like a baby sitter, I would too haha.
That's Richard, the guy who takes really telling and thought-provoking pictures.
Omu- rice!Someone mentioned that I always look happy with my food! Well who wouldn't be right? Check out the fish cutlet I ordered! Comes with really savoury jap curry!
Mel looks happy too! Think she's having hamburger steak with omu rice.
And here's Richard again, trying to fix the chair that he broke. hahaa
Dessert for the day! Yoghurt ice cream at red mango! I think it was really expensive! Think 30 bucks for 2 of that?
The satisfied customers
The REALLY satisfied customer! Anyway Richard took shots of us without us knowing, and I think they turned out really well! : )

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